Current status of Leleyi primary school
LELEYI is a remote settlement in KWALI LGA. The community has a population of 3,000 inhabitants. The village lies beside lokoja high way, plains, 12.2 Kilometers away from KWALI Metropolis. Leleyi primary school was established 6/6/1982 Currently the central primary school from other neighborhood village, it does not have enough teachers and does not have adequate school facilities equipment and consumables. Pupils are subjected to either under the tree or some incompleted building,
Leleyi primary school is 3.4 kilometers away from the lokoja high way, FCT Abuja. Better education is central to human happiness and well-being. It also makes a major contribution to economic progress, as educational population acquired good knowledge, are productive and saves more. To effectively monitor the country’s contribution to quality educational services for all, Follow The Money team discovered that the KWALI Local Government Council in its tender advertisement, has slated for the Renovation of leleyi primary school Centre, at KWALI LGA
Follow The Money has Initiated #RenovateLeleyiprimary school campaign to track and provide oversight over the implementation of this project and simultaneously on board the beneficiary community with timely and detailed information to enable citizens participation and foster their inclusion in the project. To enable a successful campaign, We are calling on all stakeholders, most importantly the kwali Local Government Council, the good people of leleyi community and the heneral public to participate fully in this campaign and provide all necessary information that will foster the full implementation of this project.
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