Monday, March 18, 2019



Pursuant to the rerun elections that will be conducted on the 23rd of March in three Area Councils of the FCT, the President of the Abuja Original Inhabitants youths hereby cautions the youths of the FCT not to be dragged into acts of violence by politicians who usually relegate them to the dustbin of history when the elections are over.

They should conduct themselves peacefully and protect their votes.
If they had conducted themselves in the previous election there would not have been a rerun in the FCT.

It is imperative to remind politicians that they are seeking the mandate of the people to govern and should never take it for granted.

The electoral process is an instrument of vertical accountability where your previous performance speaks for you without engaging in acts of violence, gerrymandering and intimidation.

They should be reminded that the citizens are ready to advocate for theocracy if they continue to under-perform.

We will vote in Mallams,  Babalawos and Priests to govern us being the custodians of the BIBLES, KORAN, OFO and other Holy Books that are used to swear these people into office.

They will indeed perform better if given the opportunity.
A stitch in time saves nine.

Commandant Isaac David GCO
Sariki yarki Abuja
Youth President.

GARBA Abdullahi Abuja

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